We have until September 10, 2011 to be ready to "slip" into our bridesmaid dresses. This is a food diary and progress journal so that you can help, comment, and be along for the journey.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

No Bueno round 2

Wednesdays are probably the busiest day of my week.  I somehow survived, but it wasn't easy.  It requires being up early, and out late.  I'm really sad to be so far from Kendra during this project, because it would encourage me so much more if I had someone to go on these long walks with me.  They get boring...and even though I have Paramore, Beyonce, or Glee to keep me company, nothing compares to the joy of walking and talking with a friend.  I will continue to pursue the outdoors now while I still can.  I'm figuring that in a few weeks time I'll have to join a gym when it starts getting colder outside.  I hate gyms and much prefer the outdoors, but what can you do. 
I ate Muesli for breakfast again.  I love muesli.  I also bought a new brand to try, so I'm excited about that.  For lunch I munched on a few bites of roasted tofu, and some leftover foccacia from the night before.  Snack I ate a few low-fat wheat thins(they are better than the regular anyway).  And, for dinner Henry had tortilla chips with a little bit of cheese and then we had hummus, avacado, and tomato to eat with our "nachos".  It doesn't sound that healthy, but I limited the amount of chips, and it was delicious(mainly because I LOVE avocado).
I at 6 dark chocolate almonds for dessert, and they were amazingly delicious. 

My music for the day was definitley very laid back:
Ingrid Michaelson
Norah Jones
And Chopin.

I went for a walk, but it was short since it was getting dark. 

A lovely day overall. 

1 comment:

  1. You could join a gym...or you could just walk outside and be prepared for very cold weather. It can be difficult, especially with icy rain and stuff. However, a nice, brisk walk in the snow can be very invigorating. Just make sure you buy some long-johns to wear under your jeans, and wear good scarf, hat and mittens. D.C. get's legitimately cold, right? Well, you could also get something like Yaktrax, which give extra traction in the winter.

    Looking forward to seeing you in December!

