We have until September 10, 2011 to be ready to "slip" into our bridesmaid dresses. This is a food diary and progress journal so that you can help, comment, and be along for the journey.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

No Bueno

I am beginning to think that this is a great idea... But I think that my approach to it might be a little different then Carrie's... which is alright... I'm not so much for the break down of food. Maybe because its out of my comfort zone to share everthing I am eating... Maybe its a bit of a security blanket. Yesterday was a busy day... I only had time to eat once... and honestly I had a Ham sandwich on cracked wheat bread, with a ton of Mustard... As you will soon find out I have an extreme love for mustard... went as far as naming on of my purses Musty... and how I miss her so! Anyway back on topic... And I had a handful of chips... Yes, I had chips... Not something I am proud of, but they were calliing my name. I definitely need to work on my will power, and soon it will be easy to say NO to the crunchy salty deliciousness of Lay's Potato Chips...

No exercise happened yesterday unlike Carrie's 4 mile walk... maybe I will start today? A walk down my driveway would be a good start! Its about a mile down and back... yeah thats where I will start. So expect to hear about an adventureous walk down a halfway graveled road! Haha!

Is having friends over a good enough excuse to eat like a savage? I think not! Its all about portion control....

(Wednesday Morning...)

Well I don't think I ate like a savage, but I can tell you now I didn't do well at all last night... My Mom made enchiladas... of course I was going to enjoy them... and I did... They were fabulous... I think Megan (the Bride) was trying to sabotage (Sabotage happens to be one of my favorite words, best said in a creepy voice) my diet... Haha... I didn't feel bad though beaus ehse was right along side of me eating those yummy delicious enchiladas... I have got to start taking this more serious... And I will trust me on that one... Its important to get heathy and be fit!

1 comment:

  1. Great post.....and Sabotage is definitely best said in a creepy voice.... :) Have a great day.
